The siding on the backside of our house never gets sun and tends to get really grimy with dust, tree pollen, and who knows what else. Shade to spread and organic matter to eat is all mold and mildew need to be happy. This year we let the grime get kind of out of hand and before long, we started seeing some fungi growing on our siding.

There are many options for cleaning siding but since the back of our house is 3 stories high, we opted for a no scrub, no ladder option. We picked up Mold Armor E-Z House Wash at Lowe’s and put it to work! We were really happy with the results and how quickly it worked!

There is a slider on the top of the spray nozzle with three settings: Clean, Rinse, and Off. Clean dilutes the concentrated cleaner in the bottle with water from the hose. The liquid will appear sudsy and cling to the surface. The rinse setting is used to wash off the cleaner after the designated contact time. You should see the grime wash away. We had a few stubborn areas that required a second application. Honestly, it was pretty satisfying to watch the mold and mildew rinse away after just a few minutes.

As a note about this product- it does contain bleach and other chemicals that you do not want to get on your skin, clothes, or in your eyes. Be sure to wear gloves and safety goggles when applying the cleaner. You will also want to thoroughly rinse all surfaces and plants near your cleaning area when you are finished to make sure any remaining cleaner is rinsed away and diluted.

The reach, which is somewhat due to our water pressure, was pretty decent! We were able to reach all the way up to our gutters with the spray. We gave it about 10 minutes before rinsing the cleaner away. Let’s look at the before and after with only rinsing. No scrubbing, no extra cleaning.

What! It’s so satisfying when something actually works.

Needless to say, we are very happy with the results and how easy and quick the process was! Obviously, the best option is to clean your siding more frequently so you can avoid having to use a chemical product like this to get rid of mold. But if you need to tackle a big problem like yesterday, this E-Z House Wash is for you!
This was one of the first steps in our deck project! If you’ve missed our updates on Instagram, we have taken a temporary break from finishing our basement due to the crazy lumber costs and decided to shift our focus to refinishing our weathered deck! We’re planning on refinishing the surfaces, installing new railings, and add string lights and decor! Come back here to check for updates on our progress or sign up for our email notifcations!
Thanks for stopping by!
*Note: As always, our reviews are always our honest opinions of products we love!
Thanks for sharing your experience! It’s great to know how well Mold Armor works for cleaning siding.