Our family room couch predates our marriage and has been well loved for many years. She has moved with us from our first one bedroom apartment, to a two bedroom apartment, and finally to our current house. This past year and a half has been, by far, her most brutal year. From baby spit up to yogurt spills, jumping, smushing, and sticky toddler hands- you name it, our couch has seen it. She has stood the test of time and, all things considered, looks pretty darn good.
You can see that the back pillow cushions are started to look pretty sad. We are tall people and need high backed furniture to be comfortable. (Although, I usually lay long ways on the couch with a bowl of ice cream, but that’s beside the point.) The saggy, slouchy cushions weren’t giving much support anymore.
As a side note, if you’re shopping for a couch and have a family (or just tend to eat pizza on your couch ?), I would highly recommend getting a couch with removable cushion covers made of washing machine-friendly fabrics. Ours unzip and pull off of every cushion and go right into the washing machine. This can come in handy when your whole family has the stomach flu and your toddler throws up on the sofa (AKA- our weekend).
Basically, the filling inside these back pillow cushions gets pushed down and condenses over time, leaving empty space at the top –> sagging. So, we ripped the seams on the inner pillowcase just far enough to be able to stick an arm in. Using Poly-fil, we re-stuffed the cushion until it was comfortably full, rolled up the pillow case and re-zipped the cushion cover.
We noticed a difference right away as we put the cushions back on the couch!
The cushions looked a little lumpy at first, but that has started to fade after some fluffing and use. Not only does the couch look better, but I can confirm that it is 1,562% more comfortable!
Not bad for a quick Saturday afternoon project!