Last summer I shared my 5 favorite Norwex products and, as it turns out, a lot of you were curious to find out more! So I’m back at it with another 5 that are newer to my collection but equally worth buying, in my opinion! I do not sell Norwex, I just enjoy sharing products that make life easier. The internet could use a few more honest reviews! Let’s get into it!
All products linked (non-affiliate) at the end for you.
1. Dish Cloth

We’ve been using Norwex dish cloths for years now. We bought the original white version when they first came out and loved it until it got lost in the suds of the dish pan and met an untimely demise in the garbage disposal. Norwex has since replaced the original with a gray, slightly sturdier version. It’s always sudsy, it never smells sour, and it scrubs dishes better than any other scrubber!
2. Bathroom Scrub Mitt

If you have glass shower doors, this one is for you. We had tried everything on the water spots on our shower doors and nothing worked. We even used a squeegee for a few months to wipe the water away after every shower. I probably don’t have to tell you that cleaning in your birthday suit is no fun, plus you’re wet and cold… Aaaaanyway, this bathroom scrub mitt has scrubby material on one side and microfiber on the other. The scrubby side erases water spots and soap streaks with just water! Truly a game changer. Pair it with the Norwex Window Cloth and you’ll never use Scrubbing Bubbles again.
Here is a before and after shot of cleaning our shower door. We held a black t-shirt behind the glass so you could see the streaks but it ended up looking like cringy a mirror selfie. Oyyy, I don’t know. We’re not professionals ?.

3. Produce Bags

Back before COVID happened, I was really getting into the habit of bringing reusable bags to the grocery store. Now we don’t go anywhere and usually do grocery pick-ups, but when I do get to go shopping, I love using these Norwex produce bags. I’d like to say it’s just for waste reduction purposes, but I honestly just hate those plastic produce bags. Someone’s always standing in front of the roll and when you finally work of the courage to sneak in, you stand there in front of the bell peppers fiddling with the bag to find the opening. Then you realize it was upside down the whole time. These mesh produce bags are amazing – you can just throw them in your car and wash them in the washing machine when you need to!
4. Wet Mop Pad / Window Mop Pad

If you read our last Norwex post, you might remember that I am altogether unimpressed by the Wet Mop Pad for floors. But one day I discovered that Norwex makes a Window Mop Pad for the Superior Mop System and suddenly the Wet Mop Pad fell back into my good graces. Now I use it exclusively for cleaning windows! Using the Telescopic Mop Handle (see #5), the pad cleans our hard to reach windows so easily with just water. I can even use it on our two story windows with a small step stool. Then I go back over the windows with the Window Mop Pad to dry and shine.
Our windows in the back get super grimy because we live in the woods, but our front windows can be easily cleaned by spraying with the hose and polishing with the Window Mop Pad! *Word to the wise- the mop can be kind of finicky and has a tendency to flip when it gets too dry and grippy. So don’t over-wipe the windows because the mop head could flip and scratch across the glass. It’s annoying, but so is cleaning high windows.
5. Telescopic Mop Handle
In lieu of a photo since you can see it above, I’ll just list all the ways I use the mop handle…
- Sweeping floors
- Sweeping under furniture/appliances
- Cleaning walls/ceilings
- Dusting vaulted areas
- Cleaning high windows
- Letting our toddler sweep on the shortest handle setting
- Fishing toys out from under things
- Killing spiders that are too high to reach
Links for products mentioned: Dish Cloths (2 pack) | Bathroom Srub Mitt (pink) | Window Cloth | Produce Bags (set of 3) | Wet Mop Pad | Window Mop Pad | Telescopic Mop Handle
Don’t forget to check out Part 1 to see more of my favorite Norwex products! –> Click here!
Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you for your honest review!! I’ve been invited to, yet another, fb “party”. Ugh the things I feel like I have to buy, to be a good friend! Anyway, I found your site to have great info!!!
Happy to be of assistance! Now to come up with a good way to get out of Facebook parties… 😛