‘Tis the season of inspiration overload and open wallets. About one week into the holiday season, I start to feel that anxiety creeping in about money being spent, activities undone, and the halls still undecked with boughs of holly. It’s hard to keep up with this fleeting season.
Every Christmas I try to add to my holiday decor collection by doing a couple DIYs! For me, it makes decorating fun instead of being just another chore. Plus, it’s cheap and I like cheap, haha! This year I shared a full week of easy DIYs for Christmas on my Instagram. This is the first of those DIYs and, by far, the most popular! I’m going to walk you through this super easy painting that will make you feel like Bob Ross in a Christmas sweater. Here’s what you’ll need…
- Acrylic paint paper (or a thick cardstock)- cut the paper to fit your frame first!
- Green acrylic paint
- White acrylic pain
- Small fan brush
- Frame

Step 1
Prep a small pool of green paint and lightly dip the ends of your fan brush into the paint. Be sure to do a few test dabs to make sure you don’t have too much paint on your brush. Then, lightly dab a vertical line down the center of your paper. This will be the trunk of your tree.

Step 2
Getting more paint as needed, start dabbing swooping lines outward from the trunk. These will be your branches. Create branches all the way down to make a rough tree shape. It probably won’t look all that great at this point, and that’s okay!

Step 3
Go back through your branches with the same motion and fill in your tree. Be sure to make your branches varying lengths and leave some places sparse; this will make your tree look more realistic. Be sure to always dab the brush- never drag it outward.

Step 4
Thoroughly rinse and dry your brush to prep it for your white paint! Also allow your tree to dry or speed things up with a hairdryer. Don’t skip these steps or you will have light green snow. Once everything is clean and dry, lightly dab the ends of your brush in the white paint, just like before, and gently place snow on the branches of your tree. How much snow to add is entirely up to you! I like a moderate amount of snow.

Step 5
Frame and enjoy all winter long!

I hope you’re enjoying your Christmas season so far! I’ll be posting a few more of my Christmas DIYs here, so be sure to stay tuned and sign up for our new post notification list!